Sunday, March 6, 2022

Kill Team, Warhammer 40k and Warhammer 40,00 - Rogue Trader

 My apologies for the unedited ramble, but it has been building for a bit. 

Warhammer 40K and Warhammer 40,000 -Rogue Trader

In 1987, I encountered Warhammer 40,000 - Rogue Trader and I was enthralled. Since then Warhammer 40K has grown, expanded, and became more than a game, it is now an empire. It has several editions (books upon books), novels, miniatures, models, spin-offs, a streaming service, and a massive fan base, which is awesome.  So what is my issue? 


In the beginning it was fun, one book, a wacky set of rules, a dark setting, painting, crafting and creativity.  I have never cared if I won or not, I just wanted to have fun.  We had hover tanks made from deodorant containers, building from desert topping containers and deadly plants made from Styrofoam balls and cocktail sticks. If you had a rules issue you talked it out, rolled out and moved on.  You knew that you army was at a disadvantage rules wise, but it was fun when they miraculously pulled of a victory. You couldn't wait until the next White Dwarf came out showcasing a new miniature and it rules to used in the game.  It was the only way new content was added to the game. It was Warhammer 40,000 - Rogue Trader that got me into miniature painting, terrain building and war gaming.

Now eight editions later, my love for Warhammer 40K is beginning to fade.  I seems more of a chore or task that a hobby.  I realize that this all on me, but it seems I spend more time, money and energy being ready to play, then actually playing.   I have 4 armies that I really enjoy and have been trying to collect codexes for each since 4th edition. All for a game that I have played only 6 times in the last 10 years. Again I realize that this is all on me,  for 4 years I was in a remote location, and moving 6 times make finding groups to play difficult, but honestly I am tired of codex bloat, games workshop trying to control the fans and FOMO. I mean wasn't this game originally meant to be fun? No wonder Guy (Midwinter Minis), Ash (Guerilla Miniature Games) and others are painting and playing retro-hammer.

Honestly,  my Games Workshop purchases dropped significantly over the last two years. I have begun looking at INQ28, Planet28 and One-page rule sets for two simple reasons, cost and they are fun.

Warhammer 40,000 - Rogue Trader and Kill Team

In the beginning, I didn't need a lot of miniatures and I could build everything else. The rules may have been a bit confusing and strange, but they were fun. My imagination and creativity went wild.  I realize now after all these years (sometimes it takes me a while) that I like smaller armies.  The idea of moving large armies got more and more tedious to me. And painting an entire squads of miniatures to only have them wiped out in a single turn, was well disappointing. I noticed that  I began to purposely select 500 point games.  I finally realized that I preferred skirmish level games. 

 I began looking a fan made skirmish games, such as Heralds of Ruin, In the Emperor's Name, Death Squads, Necromunda and may others.  I was ecstatic when Shadow War Armageddon, Necromunda and Kill Team 2018 (core, elites and leaders) came out. I was excited ready to play again, sadly due to all the moves and life issues, I never got to play.  But I was Ready!

Now 3 years later,  a new set of rules for Kill Team (sigh..more editions).  Thanks to my locale gaming store, I got an awesome deal on the Kill Team - Octarius boxed game and the Compendium.  I most likely would have only got the Kill Team Starter Set and Compendium.  In either case, I am reluctant to get on the edition treadmill again. And yet, I am ready to start painting again. 

Conclusion or just wrap the rambling (crap) up.

Warhammer 40,000 - Rogue Trader got me into war gaming,  Warhammer 40K (and its 8th editions, tons of rules, strategic and tactical cards, codexes and restrictions) almost drove me out, and will Kill Team keep me in.  However the real issue is me, what do I want from my hobby? What keeps me motivated and happy?

So getting back ... with changes.

I have been getting settled and thinking about revitalizing my hobby and blog.  Originally, when I started this blog in 2008, I intended it to be a shared space with several of my friends.  The blog being more of space for sharing tips, tricks and other things about miniature painting.  However things just didn't work out as planned.  Youtube had just started and there wasn't much out there for miniature painters.  

Looking through my blog today, I began to notice that many of my links were outdated and youtube now has lots of  content that do a better job of explaining things.  My blog now seems a bit dated.  OK, more like archaic.  I have been thinking of making a few changes, hope you like them.