Monday, February 16, 2009

Campaign for MYR; AAG 40K Night

As I mentioned earlier, I recently joined a 40k Tourney/Campaign at my local game store. Last week we rolled up our army options and bonus points. We were to start with a 1000 points consisting of 1 HQ and unlimited troops, then roll on a chart to determine the rest of our force.

So as the only Eldar player in a group of consisting of a majority of marines (majority), imperial guard, and necrons; I was hoping to get a heavy weapon option. Instead I rolled an elite and a fast attack, needless to say I am most likely out gunned.

Rumor has it my first opponent likes to play Salamanders; which means stay away from the meltas and flamers. So I am going to play the only options I have left; speed and range.

So with limitations of 1168 points of the following 1HQ, 1 Elite, 1 Fast Attack Unlimited Troops; I have created the following list.

Craftworld Morda -

1 Farseer Agarwaen (blood stained) @ 168 Pts
Singing Spear; Shuriken Pistol;#Ghosthelm
Runes of Warding Guide [20]
Doom [25]
Jetbike [30]
Spirit Stones [20]

3 Guardian Jetbike Squadron @ 76 Pts
Shuriken Pistol; Linked Shuriken Catapults (x2); Shuriken Cannon (x1);

8 Dire Avengers @ 290 Pts
2 Avenger Shuriken Catapults

Wave Serpent @ [150] Pts
Shuriken Cannon Upgrade; Linked Starcannons
Star Engines [15]

1 vyper Squadron (3) @ 360 Pts
Shuriken Cannon Upgrade (x1); Bright Lance (x1)
Holo-fields [35]

5 Banshees (Howling Banshees) @ 273 Pts
Power Weapon; Shuriken Pistol; Banshee Mask
Exarch @ [43] Pts
Mirrorswords; Banshee Mask
War Shout [5]

Wave Serpent @ [150] Pts
Shuriken Cannon Upgrade; Linked Starcannons
Star Engines [15]

I will let you know how it worked out; I need to get moving need to build a few models for this weeks game.

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