Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Amrybuilder 2.2c Data File for Eldar

So while I was working on the datafile for "The Forge", I did discover an Eldar Data File for the latest codex, originally written for 4th Edition. The rule verification may not be current, but the point value and powers are. It is datafile: EL AllEldar HV27.zip. To make this file work, you will need to download the 40k armyfile: 40k3v3p45.ab from Filefont and import it to Armybuilder 2.2.
Next you will need to unzip EL AllEldar HV27.zip in the C:\ArmyBuilder\data directory, this will overwrite the older eldar file. Launch Armybuilder 2.2c and you should see the new codex.


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