Friday, January 2, 2009

An Alternative Army List Tool

Well my version of Armybuilder is now officially obsolete. I don't have the lastest version 3.0, and all the data files for 40K 5th. Ed are for now for 3.0. Armybuilder is a great product, and I used version 2.2 quite a bit. ThThe latest version is even better and is very reasonably priced. However with my budget being tight, I can use the $40 somewhere else. So I have been looking for a less expensive alternative.
Currently I am checking into "The Forge" by The Digital Foundry. It is a low cost (Free) alternative to Army Builder. It lacks some of the rule verification and some of the cool features of Armybuilder, but all in all it is a very usable product.
As with Armybuilder the key to The Forge is the data files, which are archived at I am currently working on a new data files for the Eldar and the Tau. I hope to eventually have a new data file for the 5th ed Space Marine Codex. If you can't afford Armybuilder (an excellent product), "The Forge" is a nice alternative.



Unknown said...


Take a peek here for 5th ed 40K files for AB 2.2:

SHERPA said...

Thank you Homer_S!